The Surface Analysis and Interfacial Chemistry division develops and applies advanced methods of imaging-based chemical micro-range and surface analysis in all fields of application of surface technology and material development. The analysis is provided for a range of scales (10 nm - several 10 µm).
In the research area "Metrology in Chemistry", new approaches to the production of traceability chains are being pursued. Quality management of this kind of analysis is being further developed through metrology-related and pre-normative research, the development and maintenance of standards, the organization of round robin tests and workshops and the supply of certified reference materials.
The training of specialists in the field of micro-range and surface analysis is facilitated by supporting doctoral theses (in cooperation with universities) and post-doctoral stays.
- Graphene: Europe in the Lead Coordination and Support Action
- ACCORDs - Green deal inspired correlative imaging-based characterization for safety profiling of 2D materials
- PowerElec - Development of novel metrological methods and instrumentation supporting a step-change in productivity of the power electronics industry
- PlasticsFatE - Plastics Fate and Effects in the human body