The Vice President's department combines science and administration to drive forward BAM's digital transformation. Materials science and digitalization are linked across all subject areas and departments.

BAM's already very good strategic positioning in digital topics, such as eScience, additive manufacturing or the Digital Quality Infrastructure initiative, is to be further advanced so that, for example, the use of cloud solutions and digital repositories for research data or the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning becomes common practice and an indispensable part of scientific work.


Section VP.1 eS­cience Section VP.2 In­for­ma­ti­on Technology

further information

Prof. Dr. Norbert Huber, Vice President Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)

Contact Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nor­bert Hu­ber

Vice President

Phone +49 30 8104-1010